Thursday 24 November 2011

Oliver Grau, Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion

This is a review of Oliver Grau's article, "Intermedia stages of Virtual reality in the Twentieth Century: Art ad Inspiration of Evolving Media." This reading was assigned on November 3rd.

Oliver Grau discusses the different innovative ways that technology has progressed throughout time and how this growing technology is utilized by artists to produce new forms of visual media art. The article begins with early on versions of modern technology, such as a panoramic view of Monet's Water Lilies paintings. The article progressively continues to discover more technological ways of presenting art. World Expositions are discussed with many examples from different countries that present their new exhibits of their art, for example Chrysler's "Futurama" and the Pepsi-Cola pavilion presenting their sound and light show. Grau continues to discuses more modern day inventions such as the 3D films, IMAX and the Data Glover, all of which are highly technical and would not have been seen twenty years ago. My opinion of Grau's article is that it was very well constructed, as it progressively shows the inventions and innovations as they have come to light in a well structured timeline.

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